First Time Buyers Checklist for Home Security

First Time Buyers Checklist for Home Security

Congratulations! You've taken the exciting (and sometimes daunting) leap into homeownership. But amidst the whirlwind of unpacking boxes and decorating your space, don't forget a crucial aspect – your home's security.

This comprehensive first time buyers checklist will guide you through all the essential aspects of home security, ensuring your new home feels as comforting as it is charming.

1. Secure all doors and windows

Start with the basics—your entry points. Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) statistics show that doors are the most common entry point in home burglaries, accounting for roughly 70% of cases.

Changing the locks should be non-negotiable

The first thing you should do after getting the keys to your new home is to change the locks. You never know who might have access to your property from previous owners, real estate agents, or contractors. If they're in good condition, re-keying existing locks can be more cost-effective than replacing them.

Invest in high-quality deadbolts for all exterior doors to enhance your home's security. Also, consider adding smart door cameras and video doorbells.

Reinforce all windows

Check all windows to ensure they lock securely. Consider installing window locks, especially on ground floor levels for added protection. Also, Assess the quality of windows, especially single-glazed or non-toughened panes.

2. Install a security camera

Install security cameras in and around your home, particularly near entryways and common areas. Security cameras come in various options, from budget-friendly indoor models to weatherproof cameras for outdoor monitoring.

Consider your needs and budget when choosing, but even a simple setup can scare off unwanted visitors, with essential footage stored if anything goes pear-shaped.

3. Install or upgrade your alarm systems

If the property lacks a security alarm system, consider installing one as soon as possible, especially in urban areas, as these tend to be more attractive to burglars.

Existing alarm systems may have missing instructions or fail to account for pets' movements, so opting for a specialised system tailored to your needs can offer enhanced protection.

4. Add more lighting

Proper lighting is simple yet effective, yet it is commonly overlooked. For Indoors, keep hallways and common areas well-lit, especially in the evenings when you're out.

For the outdoors, choose motion-sensor lights to discourage burglars at night, making your home a less appealing target. Consider getting a security camera with floodlights included.

5. Secure your outdoors

Walk around your new home and assess its security from a would-be intruder's perspective. Prominently display security signs, which can act as a psychological deterrent to casual criminals. By making it known that your home is protected, intruders may think twice before targeting your property.

Secure garages, sheds and outbuildings. Install a deadbolt on the garage door leading into the house, and keep valuable tools or equipment locked away in a secure cabinet. Get robust padlocks for your sheds and other storage areas on the property, especially if storing valuable items like bikes.

6. Meet your neighbours to build trust and security

Introduce yourself to your new neighbours and exchange contact information. Knowing your neighbours creates a network of watchful eyes on your property when you're away. Find your local Neighbourhood Watch here.

Bonus home safety tips

  • Don’t leave spare keys under the doormat or plant pots. This is a burglar's dream! Opt for a lockbox with a unique code, or leave a spare key with a trusted neighbour you know well.
  • Don’t overshare on social media. Publicly announcing your absence can make your home a target. Consider creating a close friends list on social media platforms and sharing vacation updates with this trusted group only after you've returned.
  • Don’t have a weak WiFi password. Your home's Wi-Fi network is the backbone of many smart home security systems. Secure your Wi-Fi network with WPA2 encryption and a strong, unique password.
  • Don’t ignore your gut. Don't hesitate to report suspicious activity in your neighbourhood to the authorities. Trust your instincts. Investigate it or report it to the proper channels if something feels off.

Security is an ongoing process

Home security is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Come back to this home safety checklist regularly and update your security measures. Check your local crime rates and take proactive steps to create a safe and secure home.

Whatever you decide to tackle first, Arlo is here to help you with all your security needs. Explore our home security solutions and find the perfect fit for your new home.

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