Home Security Tips for the Elderly: Peace of Mind Starts Here

Home Security Tips for the Elderly: Peace of Mind Starts Here

Feeling safe and secure in your home is essential at any age, but it becomes even more important as we age. Whether you’re looking to improve your home security or help an elderly relative, this guide equips you with a robust house security plan brimming with crime prevention advice and practical tips on how to secure your home.

Secure home windows and doors

In your home security windows and doors are essential points to protect. Ensure all exterior doors have deadbolts with at least a one-inch throw. For windows, invest in sturdy locks, especially for the ground-floor. According to various locksmiths, consider using locks such as sash stops and bolts for wooden windows and swing locks and sash locks for UPVC windows.

Beware of hidden spare keys. It’s tempting to leave a spare key under the doormat, but this is a common hiding spot for burglars. Consider a lockbox with a combination code for trusted individuals.

Home security advice when there's someone unfamiliar at the door

Door security is crucial. Don’t fee lobligated to open the door for unexpected visitors, especially if they seem suspicious. It’s perfectly okay to say no, especially at the door.

Scammers often impersonate utility companies, government officials, or even grandchildren to gain access to your home or personal information. Never allow anyone claiming to represent a company into your home unless you have a confirmed appointment. Always contact the company directly to verify their identity before letting anyone in.

Here are some practical security tips for home you should follow if you're unsure about your visitor:

  • Don’t open the door if you don't recognise the person.
  • Use your peephole or video doorbell to identify the visitor. If you don't have either yet, take a discreet peek through a window.
  • Speak through the door. If you must speak to the visitor, do so through a closed door. Don’t let them inside.
  • Call the authorities if necessary. If the visitor is suspicious or refuses to leave, call the police on 999.

Also, when you have maintenance workers or delivery personnel coming to your home, stay with them while they're inside and don't allow them unsupervised access to other areas.

It would help if you also got to know your regular delivery personnel. A familiar face at the door can provide an extra layer of security and may even be willing to look for anything unusual.

Improve home security with video doorbells

A video doorbell lets you see who's at your door before opening it. An Arlo wireless video doorbell with built-in motion detection alerts you to someone tampering with your front door. You can see live video footage through your smartphone and even speak through the two-way audio feature, potentially scaring off an intruder.

Read more about helpful video doorbell uses for a secure home here. ​

Install a security camera system

A home security camera system provides a watchful eye over your property indoors and outdoors. See live video footage, receive motion alerts, and even record events for later review. Arlo’s wire-free cameras offer easy installation and can be monitored remotely from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Consider placing them at entry points, walkways, and common areas to deter crime and provide valuable footage in case of an incident.

How to improve home security by talking to your neighbours

Neighbourhood watch schemes are a fantastic way to deter crime and create a sense of community. Let a trusted neighbour know when you're away and ask them to watch for suspicious activity. Look out for each other's homes and report any suspicious activity.

Add security signs and stickers

Would-be burglars often target easy marks. A simple yet effective method that you can do today is to add front garden signs and window stickers that advertise your security camera (even if you don't currently have a camera installed) to make your home appear well-protected.

Install motion-activated lights

Improving home security often starts with good lighting. Motion-sensor lights around doorways and walkways are handy for deterring nighttime prowlers. Consider keeping a porch light on at night for added visibility.

Home security ideas for when you're away or on holidays

Here are some important home security measures you should bear in mind when away from home:

Create a lived-in look

Use timers to switch lights and electronics on and off throughout the day. This creates the illusion of a constantly occupied house and deters potential intruders.

Request mail hold and cancel deliveries

Request a hold from your local post office and pause non-essential deliveries to avoid unattended packages piling during your absence.

Don’t advertise your absence

Avoid posting on social media about holidays or extended trips away from home. This can tip off potential burglars that your house is empty. However, always let someone you trust know you'll be away and ask them to watch for suspicious activity.

Crime prevention advice for the elderly

Research local crime statistics. Understanding the types of crime most common in your area can help you tailor your security measures accordingly. Check Crime Prevention UK resources regularly for updates and tips tailored to your area.

Security for home with Arlo

By following these home security tips, you can create a safer and more secure environment for yourself or your elderly loved ones. Remember, with a proactive approach, you can achieve a more secure and relaxing home, allowing you to focus on what matters most – peace of mind. Discover Arlo’s security solutions, which are the perfect choice for improving home security without complicated installations.

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