Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure

Part 1 of the UK’s Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 and the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (Security Requirements for Relevant Connectable Products) Regulations 2023 (together referred to as the “Act”) relate to the security of internet-connectable products and aim to protect consumers from cyber security threats.

In compliance with our obligations under the Act, we provide a defined support period during which we will keep those who have our devices informed of security updates and provide security updates to those who remain connected to our services during the defined support period of the relevant device.

We also provide a "statement of compliance" relating to the security requirements of the Act for each of our internet-connectable devices and these can be found on our website.

One of the key provisions of the Act requires us to implement a process to manage disclosures of vulnerabilities found and reported by both our customers and members of the public.

You can find our vulnerability disclosure policy here, and you can report actual or potential security issues to us by clicking here.